Where does this store ship from?
South Carolina
What is this store's return and exchange policy?
All sales are final, unless damaged during shipping or a manufacturing mishap. We pride ourselves on describing our lovely items in the best possible way with wording and photos. Please know that we'd like you to be super happy with your purchase and be certain of what you'll be receiving. We know you'll love your purchase and want to share your joy. We like to get it right the first time!
Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?
No, not at this time. Sorry!
How long will it take to receive my order?
Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 14 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. We will make every effort possible to accommodate your needs. Just let us know!
How will my order be packaged and shipped?
All orders are carefully packaged and shipped by first class mail right to your doorstep, that is, unless, you'd like it sent to someone special. In that case, we'll make sure it goes to the right place!
Can I pick up my order locally instead of paying shipping?
Sure! Just use the Contact Us page to enter all your order details so you won’t be charged shipping. Please include your paypal email address and we will get an invoice out to you right away!
What if something is wrong with my order?
Oh no! We are human and we do sometimes make mistakes! If we made a mistake on your order don't worry, we will get you a replacement! Please Contact Us link and we will do everything we can do make sure you are happy with your order.
When placing your order, please remember that letters are case sensitive. We will personalize your item ExACtlY how you present them. When selecting your personalization, please review EVERY detail. Personalized items may not be returned.
How do I enter my initials?
If you would like all the letters to be the same size straight across, please put in parenthesis (male) style after your enter your initials. If you have any questions or if this information is not clear, please just contact us prior to ordering!
Do you have an AWESOME deals or coupons?
Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to find out about our DEAL OF THE WEEK and any coupons!
The Preppy Pair is a great resource for wedding parties. Brides are always looking for personalized bridesmaid gifts to thank their favorite ladies. Monogrammed hats and bags are a great way to say thank you. Check with us for bulk order discounts!
Where does this store ship from?
South Carolina
What is this store's return and exchange policy?
All sales are final, unless damaged during shipping or a manufacturing mishap. We pride ourselves on describing our lovely items in the best possible way with wording and photos. Please know that we'd like you to be super happy with your purchase and be certain of what you'll be receiving. We know you'll love your purchase and want to share your joy. We like to get it right the first time!
Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?
No, not at this time. Sorry!
How long will it take to receive my order?
Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 14 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. We will make every effort possible to accommodate your needs. Just let us know!
How will my order be packaged and shipped?
All orders are carefully packaged and shipped by first class mail right to your doorstep, that is, unless, you'd like it sent to someone special. In that case, we'll make sure it goes to the right place!
Can I pick up my order locally instead of paying shipping?
Sure! Just use the Contact Us page to enter all your order details so you won’t be charged shipping. Please include your paypal email address and we will get an invoice out to you right away!
What if something is wrong with my order?
Oh no! We are human and we do sometimes make mistakes! If we made a mistake on your order don't worry, we will get you a replacement! Please Contact Us link and we will do everything we can do make sure you are happy with your order.
When placing your order, please remember that letters are case sensitive. We will personalize your item ExACtlY how you present them. When selecting your personalization, please review EVERY detail. Personalized items may not be returned.
How do I enter my initials?
If you would like all the letters to be the same size straight across, please put in parenthesis (male) style after your enter your initials. If you have any questions or if this information is not clear, please just contact us prior to ordering!
Do you have an AWESOME deals or coupons?
Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to find out about our DEAL OF THE WEEK and any coupons!
The Preppy Pair is a great resource for wedding parties. Brides are always looking for personalized bridesmaid gifts to thank their favorite ladies. Monogrammed hats and bags are a great way to say thank you. Check with us for bulk order discounts!
If you are looking for something that is not listed on our site, do not hesitate to contact us by emailing [email protected]. We create custom items all the time!!